Synthesis Essay Topics Examples And Inspiration

Synthesis Essay Topics Examples And Inspiration

Published by on 2018-02-19 12:35:58

Synthesis Essay Topics Examples And Inspiration

Writing a synthesis essay is not an easy task, especially if you have to come up with the topic on your own. Some students spend days and weeks thinking of good topics for a synthesis essay and rush through the writing process when the submission deadline draws near. Use our tried-and-true advice for choosing the right theme if you want to get an A on your synthesis essay.

Synthesis Essay Topic Examples

If you are in a hurry to turn in your synthesis essay, go through our list of perfectly-crafted topics. You might find what you are looking for here or get inspired to think of a new angle for your global warming synthesis essay or obesity synthesis essay.

  • The grading system in high schools should be eliminated.
  • Prosperous countries should help struggling nations.
  • Santa Claus undermines the true meaning of Christmas.
  • People should be able to donate their organs for money.
  • Should addicts get free drugs and syringes to forestall the spreading of STDs?
  • Does Internet protect us from censorship or give it other forms?
  • Children should attend school all year round, without long breaks.
  • The drinking age should be increased to 25.
  • The struggles women face in the military.
  • The ways to restore money’s initial function as a means of trade.
  • The number of national holidays should be decreased by half.
  • Should sports betting be a legal industry to increase fiscal revenue?
  • Social media inhibit child mental and physical development.
  • The overabundance of sequels means all stories have already been told.
  • What will we do when robots take over human jobs?
  • Is space exploration a needless waste of money?
  • Children should be taught about all the world’s religions in school.
  • The ideal age to start a family.
  • Are brand-name gadgets worth the price?
  • Should convicted criminals be eligible for social welfare programs?

Now if you are wondering, how we came up with these great ideas, read on. We’ll let you in on a secret to devise good topics for a synthesis essay every time.

Three Things To Remember When Choosing Synthesis Essay Topics

The first thing you should do after getting the assignment is to read the prompt and analyze it carefully. The better you understand the instructor’s requirements, the better your chances of getting an A will be. Before you begin contemplating the synthesis essay topics, take note of three things you should always keep at the forefront of your mind:

  1. The class syllabus. Even when the teacher gives you free reign of the topic, you are expected to follow the issues you have studied in class. While the study of Ancient Roman art might get you an A in History or Art classes, it won’t be appropriate for Business or Psychology courses.
  2. The essay word count. Your topic should never be too broad, or you won’t be able to discuss it in full in your short paper. Obesity synthesis essay should never concentrate on the problem as a whole. Instead, choose one small aspect of the issue and address it in your writing. Exceeding the word count won’t get you extra points, so be extra careful when selecting the scope of the topic.
  3. The access to credible references. A synthesis essay is about presenting opposing positions by different authors, so finding good sources should be your top priority. If you can’t locate reliable references for your unique topic, change it before it’s too late. Don’t waste your time on the fruitless search for credible sources when you have the freedom to select among hundreds of explanatory synthesis essay topics.

Three Prerequisites Of Good Topics For A Synthesis Essay

We’ve covered the necessary practical requirements for synthesis essay topics. Now let’s take a closer look at the three things that make the essay subjects pop.


The best way to look for exciting and relevant explanatory synthesis essay topics is by reading the news online. Check the latest trends and most discussed issues, and you are bound to get a great idea for an essay topic. Just remember to choose a pressing matter within the scope of the class you take.

  1. Who will profit from the bitcoin devaluation?
  2. Will 3D printing bring the end of mass production?
  3. What is the purpose of building a colony on Mars?


Don’t use the first topic that comes to your mind, or the second, or the third. These are the most likely ideas your classmates will use. If you want your essay to stand out and get you the highest grade, think outside the box. Even if you can’t devise a unique topic, you can change the point of view and raise questions no one has ever thought to ask. Don’t be afraid to go against the flow.

  1. Are traditional schools necessary in the age of MOOCs?
  2. Do tolerance and political correctness infringe on rights of the majority?
  3. If same-sex marriages are acceptable, should polygamy be legal?


When you choose among synthesis essay topics, focus your attention on small issues instead of discussing the problem as a whole. Your global warming synthesis essay won’t cover all aspects of the issue. So narrow your topic until you are sure you will be able to encompass it in the volume assigned. Ask yourself questions to go from a broad issue to its single precise aspect. To get a better idea of this process, check out our example:

  • Global warming is a worldwide problem.
    • Who is responsible for the effects of the global warming?
  • The impact of a single person on the global warming.
    • How can we reverse the changes in climate?
  • The ways every person can reverse the global warming.

As you see, choosing the right topic for a synthesis essay is not a problem, if you let your imagination run wild. Use our sample topics to kickstart your brainstorming, and you will be able to start writing in no time. Don’t forget to refresh your synthesis essay writing skills using our guide. And if you are run off your feet with other tasks, let our writers take care of this assignment for you.

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